Thursday, 21 July 2011

Naomi and Sam's Transalp Adventure - Part 7

I'm sitting on a minibus on way to finish in floods of tears. Heading home for my sister Stephanie's wedding while Sam rides on flying the flag. I couldn't finish the stage and be sure to make my flight. Today is probably the hardest one yet with 2k of pushing up what can only be described as a rock climbing route. And another 3400m odd of climbing.

Sam is by now the support team/ broomwagon's celebrity. They can't believe how determined he is to fight on against adversity. My hero rides on, I hope they look out for him as well as I did :'(

So there we go. Transalps adventure almost over. Not exactly a pleasant experience but one we will never forget. And I didn't crash. Something of a personal record. Hope you enjoyed reading about it, ciao

1 comment:

RexyUK said...

You have me a bit choked Naomi… Go Sam!
